Me and My Love

Me and My Love

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

been a few days

well its been a few days since I've posted anything. But the good thing is that I still am taking pictures. I honestly don't have a lot to say today. So I'm  just going to post the pics I;ve taken over the last few days

 this is at a park called Island lake me and Matt go here to go on bike rides, kayaking and walks.
 the river was moving really fast
 I'm so tall
 this is as frozen as its been this winter too many warm days

I went over to my friends house to visit her and her little 1 month old baby Olivia. She is going to let me take infant pictures of her so I can practice. I'm really excited about it and am getting so many ideas off of my new obsession pinterest

 I loved the black and white she was so alert and the cutest little girl I have ever seen. Out of all of my friends this is the first one that has had a girl everyone has boys lol.
On my way to work today I took some pictures with my phone of silver lake. You cant really tell but it was super foggy. Like Pacific Grove foggy

Very dangerous too since I took these while driving lol.
See you guys later

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

weight loss

I weighed myself today and have lost 2 1/2 more pounds which is so exciting. I had lost 11 pounds after my tonsillectomy and gained only 3 back in December so now I am back to post tonsils. My plan is to lose 35-40 but the end of June. My friend Tracie is getting married June 23rd and I am a bridesmaid and then the weekend after my other friend Kelly is getting married and Im in her wedding too. So I have 2 dresses that I want to look great in. It isnt even a unrealistic goal it equals out to be about 1 1/2 pounds a week.

 Matt doesnt think I should do this but I had him take a picture of me and every month on the 11th Im going to have him take one of me to track my progress and I thought since I dont think a lot of people actually read this blog besides family that it would be my picture of the day. I'm not ashamed Im losing it anyway and I want to show my progress.

 This is me January 11th 2012
I wont post my weight though......

 I decided that along with my photo of the day I can use this as a weight loss blog too. I will post yummy low fat recipes and fun work outs.

 The weather was really nice today again (45 degrees) so I took another walk on my lunch break and then after making a yummy dinner of homemade chicken nuggets for matt and pasta with chicken for me I made matt go down in the basement with me and do P90X arms and shoulders. I will definetly be feeling it tomorrow.

 Well Im off to bed since Im getting up to go to the gym again before work.

 Hope this blog isnt too boring and some people actually like to read it.
 See you tomorrow

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I went on a walk toady on my lunch break since it was 45 degrees out which is super warm for January in Michigan and I took my camera along with me because I wanted to take some pictures of this tree I always drive by that is so huge and has really cool branches. I pull out my camera to start taking some pictures and the screen says "cannot save no memory card" DOOOHHHHHH I left it in the computer. LOL So much for that but it was really nice to get some fresh air since the temperatures are supposed to drop again later this week.

My picture of the day ended up being a very yummy dinner that Matt made. He is in a weight loss competition at work. Whoever loses the most percentage of body weight in 3 months winds $500. Hes really wanting to win so he can buy me a puppy. ;) He found this yummy recipe

It was so good and very low fat low cal.

It looked pretty too. Im off to do some zumba.
See you tomorrow

Monday, January 9, 2012

the man in the moon

Today I was really productive. I went to the gym with Matt at 6am and for those of you that know me that has never happened and I am still super shocked that I did it. I loved knowing that when I got off work I didn't have to feel guilty just sitting on the couch because I have already worked out today. I have 2 bridesmaids dresses to wear this June so it's time to step it all up a notch.

I took a few pictures of the moon this morning because it looked really cool behind some clouds but they didnt come out as good as I thought

But.......... thanks to Gaela who told me that I needed to take a picture of the moon tonight I went outside and messed around with some settings and this is what I got

Yep I think this is the best picture I have ever took, and I'm so excited because I used some different manual settings to achieve it.

Today was a great start to the week. Now it's time to sit on the couch and watch some Kardashians because yes I like this show and wait for Matt to come home so we can have some yummy turkey sandwiches for dinner.
See you tomorrow

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Well my plans for Friday and the rest of the weekend changed a little bit. I ended up with the worst stomach flu I think I have ever had. Either that or since I'm older it sucked a lot more than I remember. So sorry but the only things I saw this weekend were

this awesome toilet and.........

this comfy couch

lets try this again shall we
See you tomorrow

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I didn't make it

Well I'm finding it really hard to do a picture a day when I go to work in the dark and come home from work in the dark. Not a lot of options for picture taking. So I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm still going to try.

This morning I didn't have to be at work until 10:30 but I had a headache so I didn't go anywhere this early. So I took some pictures of the trees in our backyard.

I am shocked that I'm actually going to say this but I wish there was some more snow on the ground and with these trees the snow on them would look really pretty. Snow always makes pictures pretty.

It was really nice though to wake up and see some blue skies.

I've been feeling kind of down this week and I'm thinking it's the start of the winter blues. I always get them no matter what I do.

I'm going to end this post with a picture I took while I was at work. I was getting a room ready for a patient and I saw this beautiful sunset out the window so I had to capture it

I will be hanging out with some close friends tomorrow night and I plan to take some pictures while I am there. I'm also planning on going to the park on Saturday to take some more pictures and play with some different settings.

Talk to you soon

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

18 degrees

Well today was freezing. So when I got home from work I stayed inside and took this picture from inside my warm house.

Its the tree in our front yard. I like the little red berries on it.

I cam home today and got my zumba for the Wii Im excited to try it later tonight. Maybe I can get Matt to do it with me. Ha Ha yeah right. He will be sitting on the couch playing with his Ipad that he cant put down.
See you tomorrow

Monday, January 2, 2012

a day at my parents house

Matt had to work today but I didn't so I went to my parents house and painted Stephanie's nails. She is starting to get back to her old self again. Ripping magazines again she gave me a kiss at the highest spot she can reach which happened to be my boob.... but I was still happy.

I took some pics of my parents back yard as my photo of the day

This squirrel was hiding himself from the wind and snow

This cardinal was so bright and pretty on such a gray day

Stephanie had enough fun for the day shes out cold on dads lap

AWWWWWWW isn't that sweet

Well back to work tomorrow lets see if I can keep up with this blog during the work week.
TA TA For Now

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A little dusting

well this is my first picture of the year

We have spent the whole day doing nothing which is exactly what I wanted to do. Matt hung up some things we got for Christmas and I played with my kindle fire. I took this picture from our kitchen. Its a picture of the start of some snow on our deck. Its so windy today and it just started flurrying.